
Apr 26, 2020

Remediating Kinsing CoinMiner on Compromised Linux Server

Kinsing Coinminer is a Golang-based Linux malware agent that leverage the compromised server's resources for crypto mining process.

Oct 29, 2014

Spam Injection Removal Causing Joomla Website Not Functioning

When remediating compromised website issue, scanning and removing the bad code is not always a straightforward process to call it a day.

Jan 10, 2013

404 And You've Been Exploited

Most of the time, when analyzing malicious web pages, HTTP response code is one of my important indicators in order to determine the behaviour of the page

Dec 30, 2012

Some update on PageScan (v0.2)

It's been a while since I wrote > 1000 lines of code for a security project tool, and sorry for not mentioning about the release of PageScan earlier.

Dec 6, 2012

Another Implementation of Pseudo Random Domain for Web Malware

On my previous post, I've discussed about pseudo random domain generator used by RunForestRun malware variation.